2020 Open Enrollment Dates
Individual Health Insurance:
November 1, 2019 - December 15, 2019
Employer Holiday for New Small Groups:
November 1, 2019 - December 15, 2019
Important Deadlines for Employers with Existing 1-1-2020 Renewal Groups:
November 15, 2019: Deadline to let us know about any changes to plans offered for 2020
November 30, 2019: BCBSTX Deadline to receive employer plan change paperwork
December 1-15, 2019: Employee Open Enrollment
December 31, 2019: Deadline to process employee enrollment changes
Enroll Today!
Fill out the form to request a proposal or call us at
Proposal Request
For Employers
What's Changed
- Health insurance carriers have rolled out alternative funding & association-based platforms that allow employers with favorable group composition to provide high quality plans at lower pricing.
- The IRS is sending out penalty assessments to employers with over 50 employees that did not offer affordable coverage.
What Hasn't Changed
- Employers with more than 50 employees are still required to offer affordable coverage to employees or be assessed penalties.
- The employer holiday waiver of contribution & participation requirements for new small groups is still available for policies effective 1-1-2020.
For Individuals
What's Changed
- In 2020 there will no longer be a mandate for individuals in TX to purchase health insurance or face penalties.
- Restrictions on Short Term (non-ACA) Plans have relaxed: in some cases terms up to 12 months and renewable up to 3 years.
- BCBSTX has a few more plan options, including 2 that are HSA Compatible.
What Hasn't Changed
- We still recommend purchasing ACA compliant plans that provide coverage for pre-existing conditions, maternity, mental health and preventive care.
- HMO health coverage remains the only option available to individuals under 65.
- BCBSTX is the only carrier offering plans in all Texas counties.
- Accessing health insurance through an employer is less expensive and provides more options. Employers can set up a new small group during the employer holiday at no cost.
- Premium Pricing is very stable
If you work for an employer who doesn’t currently offer group health insurance, we can help them to get a plan started for 1-1-2020.
We’re available to assist with your selection and servicing of a BCBSTX individual plan.